God speaks to us in all in so many different ways...through song, through nature, through words, through others, through the Bible, and through his Spirit.
I guess that's where I start with this one...hearing God's word through His Spirit in the middle of the night almost 2 months ago.
And I've been sitting with this message since. I kept thinking that perhaps God was just kidding about having me post this message. And then I went to Coffee Break and started studying James.
Ever read it?
It's, um, not for the faint of heart. Think about everything you have ever said, thought, or done, and you will get called out on all such things in this book of the Bible.
Be slow to speak, quick to listen. Do not judge. Submit yourselves to God. Be wise. Tame your tongue. If you have faith, you must have deeds. Get it? It's tough stuff that pushes deep. I believe it was while I was studying lesson 4, the one on taming the tongue, that I really felt the words in James were reiterating what the Spirit woke me up to say to me on February 2.
Stop casting stones.
Um, excuse me? It's 2am, not really the time Lord.
Stop casting stones.
No really, God, I think this can wait until a humane hour of the day. I need sleep, thanks.
Stop casting stones.
Apparently it couldn't wait.

For real.
I'm not moving on until you do, so go.
Like right now.
I'm waiting.
Ok fine, I'm moving on, whether you have the rock or not.
Now, hold that rock in one hand while you read the rest.
Ladies, this is what I need to tell you today: We must stop throwing rocks at each other. Oh no, not in the physical sense, but we hurl rocks at one another multiple times each day.
"She's a terrible mom because she lets her kids play 2 hours of video games each day."
"She has gained so much weight after having 4 kids. She really needs to go on a diet."
"I shouldn't be telling you this, but I hear that Betsy had an affair with Bob. I would never do that"
"Did you see how naughty their kids were in church and they are adding another one to their family? They are completely crazy, no matter what God is leading them to. They need to be done."
"Her outfit makes her look terrible. Somebody should tell her that leggings are not pants."
"Did you see the way that she lost her temper and yelled at her kids?"
After stone.
After stone.
We hurl them at one another without giving much thought to what that rock is doing to the one we are throwing it at.
This is what God has challenged me to think about: Every single time I use my words to tear another person down, I am throwing a rock at that person. And hurting them.
We do this, and if you think you don't, well, you do. We all do it. It's satan's way to unleash a beast and destroy relationships.
James 3:2-12 says, "We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what she says, she is a perfect person, able to keep her whole body in check...the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts...the tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of her life on fire and is itself set on fire by hell...With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father and with it we curse women, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My sisters this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My sisters, can a fig tree bear olives or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water."
I am made in God's likeness.
You are made in God's likeness.
She, the one I throw stones at, is made in God's likeness.
So friend, lay that stone down that you have in your hand...and stop throwing them.
Please note that I in no way, shape, or form have been able to leave all my stones left unthrown..but I am sure giving it my best shot.
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