Dear, dear friends, it has been oh, say, around 5ish months since I have last had enough silence in my life to type. But alas, I find myself sitting in a quiet house, and decided to be productive via my computer.
To all the moms out there: this is a tough time of year for our emotions. One minute we are crying tears of joy that school will be starting very, very soon. And the next minute we are crying because we have a little who is starting Kindergarten. And that is just too presh for words. I find myself doing just that these days...dancing my happy dance in the morning when they are all fighting and I get to tear one more chain off of our back-to-school paper chain, and then by bedtime I am cuddling the one I will be sending off to the scary world of big kid school for the first time next Monday. Why God created us with the ability to feel such a range of emotions in one
day hour minute, is beyond me.
Anyway, in honor of the kiddos getting ready to take flight, but mostly in honor of all the FREE TIME us moms will have to read and think and just do whatever man(can I get an AMEN!?!), I am doing a little give-away. Please keep in mind that last time I did a give-away I ended up buying a book for anybody that commented. That ain't happenin this time. I'm just sayin. It's a one-book deal this time, and it's once again from my favorite author, Jen Hatmaker. She just gets it, ya know!?!?! This book was just released today. TODAY!! I already glued myself to my computer and read the digital download, and now I need glasses, but whatevs, it was totally worth it. This book is pretty much chucked full of good stuff.

So here's the deal. In honor of school starting, and in keeping with the title of the book, For the Love, all you need to do to enter to win is comment either on here or on the FB link to my post about your favorite grade school teacher and what made them the best. I will be selecting the winner on Friday, so make sure you enter before that.
Now I am off to cuddle my Kindergarten cutie, so that tomorrow I do my happy dance at the zoo with my crew.
Please note that this post does not in any way, shape, or form indicate that I will be posting regularly again. I plan to fill my free time while the kids are at school with, oh wait, I still have one at home...nevermind...carry on then.