I am happy to report that yesterday was much better, as is today! Here is a recap of my last 36 hours...

Then I was off to Des Moines for a shopping day with my mom (and no kids!!! YAAAAAYYYY!!!) My mom is so sweet, she made me a pumpkin flavored smoothie to drink on the way since she knows I like pumpkin pie so much. Aren't mom's the best!?!? So we enjoyed a energy-packed drink on our drive, which totally got us off on the right foot.
We did a little shopping, and ended up at Whole Foods right before lunch. Who knew that there were enough people trying to be healthy in this world that they require their own somewhat over-priced grocery store. Well, my man knew I guess.
Since we were both feeling a little hangry (that's when your lack of food causes you to become both hungry and angry, frustrated, or both. Look it up, it's in the Urban Dictionary. For reals.) we decided to grab lunch there. Anyway, Whole Foods has this salad bar that is a-ma-zing. 3 different salad bars, with 2 sides each, 90% of which we could eat. Score. This is what we ended up with: Detox Salad(obviously had to get this one), Quinoa, and a corn salad.
detox salad on the bottom. I'm pretty sure you
will all want to get some next tine you are near
a Whole Foods, so you are welcome for the info.
I'm not sure if it tasted heavenly because we were so hungry, or just because it was that good. But it all totally hit the spot. Even if we were sitting in my mom's truck in the mall parking lot eating it. Classy. You can do that when you don't have messy kiddos in the backseat.
Again, the quinoa is on the left, and a corn radish salad is
on the right. See that cute cup by the quinoa?
That is what my pumpkin smoothie was in. Love.
Off to the mall, where, HELLO, things like this are taking shape:
Shenanigans! I don't even have costumes for my kids to wear tomorrow night for beggars night, and already Christmas decor has taken over department stores. I mean, Younker's was kind of pretty, but still! The crazy reindeer was a bit overpriced in my opinion.
Mid afternoon Starbuck's started calling my name, but I held strong and mixed up a grape Spark drink instead. Trust me when I say that it didn't quite taste the same as a white chocolate mocha, but it was ok.
It did refuel me for a few more hours, and I grabbed a handful of mixed nuts for a little shot of protein, and made it through the afternoon full of energy and happy to continue to shop. Typically by mid-late afternoon I am done. I have no energy left, I am crabby, and my legs hurt. But between the 60 ounces of water I was chugging and these energy drinks, I was shopping on fresh legs all day. Great news for my man.
One of our stops before dinner was to Nordstrom Rack and Home Goods, which both just opened up by Jordan Creek Town Center. I walked out of Nordstrom Rack empty handed, but I did make a couple of purchases at Home Goods.
This is what I wanted to buy:
This is what I bought though:
They are pretty much incomparable. Trust me friends when I say one is NOT a substitute for the other.

We ate these delish salads in the parking lot of Costco in an attempt to help us resist the aisle of samples, all of which are also on the naughty list this week. Amazingly enough, we were both feeling energetic yet at this point, and conquered Costco like it was our job.
Here is a picture of my mom and I on our final stop of the night, Target.
We had such a great day, we both felt great all day, even after a 12 hour shopping day. Now maybe I will need to do another spending fast after I get rid of all of my toxins. I can only work on one thing at a time here, friends.
Please note that I am sorry if you're mom isn't as cool as my mom. Mine can't be borrowed or rented out, so don't even try.