

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Q&A #2

Well, I am now over 2 months into this journey.  Some may think that is not a big deal, while others agree that it is.  Makes no difference to me what side of the fence you are on, I know that God called me to this, and it is my hope and prayer that I have glorified Him over the last couple of months.

I thought this would be a good time to do another Q&A post, since I am still getting inquiries about how I would handle this, that, or the other.  Please keep in mind that I am not an expert.  On anything.

First question...was The Beast really that big?

Facts do not lie, and I measured the beastly thing. It was 8 feet tall and 8 feet wide.  

Those that saw it in person claimed that the picture I posted on Facebook did not do it justice.  I am happy to report that The Beast has left the premisis.

One question I was asked a few times relates to Christmas gifts...did I get any, did I ask for clothes, did I get gift cards to go buy clothes, etc...

I will answer that question first by saying that both my parents as well as my man's parents have been very supportive of my fast, and they all understand not only the parameters of it, but they want to see me succeed.  So that said, yes, I did receive gifts this year, and no I did not ask for any clothes, and no I did not get any gift cards to clothing stores.  

My man gave me a fuzzy sweatshirt and a new snowsuit, both of which I struggled with for a little bit.  Ok, it was like 30 seconds, but still, I at least pondered the idea of if I was breaking fast or not.  My man assured me that it was given as a gift, and I must accept it as that.  Nothing more, nothing less.

And I have to tell you about the little bracelet my parents gave me, because it came from such a cool company.  Noonday Collection is the name of company and it gives you the opportunity to use your purchasing power to create change in the world {while looking really good along the way}. Your fashion sense can now restore dignity to abandoned women in Ethiopia, empower communities in Ecuador, and create business opportunities for Ugandans. 

I totally just copy and pasted that from the website.  But seriously, please check it out.

Next question, please.

Has my fast been harder or easier than I expected?

Tough one.  Depends on the day I think.  If I am too busy to think about it, and that is most days with 4 kids to keep up with, then I don't feel like it's hard, or even blog-worthy for that matter.  However, the temptation to go and spend money will just come upon me, and I feel like I am going to explode if I don't go buy something impractical that very moment.  That is when I call upon The Almighty to see me through.  I haven't ever smoked, but I'm thinking it's comparable to a smoker who is trying to quit...

Did I keep the dress for my daughter to wear for Christmas?

Ugh.  Yes.  I suck.  I know.

She has worn the dumb thing 1 time.  ONE TIME.  If I am lucky she will wear it once more before she hits a growth spurt and it doesn't fit anymore.  But it did look really cute on her, if that is worth anything.

The minute the tags were off I was regretting my demands to my man that she wear it.  But it's all water under the bridge now.  

Forgive me Jesus.

Am I really going to clean out my closet?

Yes.  Yes I am.  Soon.  Just not quite yet.  Maybe tomorrow.  Or the next day.

Oh I'm kidding, I have started a little process I will call "The Cleanse" at our house.  When this happens, my man starts to get nervous.  Pretty much everything is fair game, including him.  I'm kidding again.  

I started with our pantry this morning, as well as the coat closet.  Next up is my closet.  Then on to the other clothes closets in our house.

And you might be wondering what I am going to do with all of our "treasures"...well, I can't exactly share that with you yet.  Working on something, but it isn't public yet, so I don't want to spill the beans.  Just know that you are going to want to join in on the fun.  I guarantee it.

Please note that I will keep you posted about how you can be a blessing to others soon, but in the mean time, start cleaning out your closets.

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