

Monday, November 11, 2013

It Matters to Me

"To discover what matters to you, take it away and see where the chips actually fall."
Jen Hatmaker, Seven

I am reading Jen's book when I came across that line.

And I love it.

Over the last week I have heard and talked to a lot...ok, maybe it's just a few people who have decided to join me on this journey for one reason or another.

And I love it.

But at the same time, I don't want people to feel like they have to they have to feel guilty if they go and buy new clothes for themselves...guilty if they splurge and buy matching Hanna Andersson pj's for the whole family...guilty if they get online and order a whole new wardrobe from J.Crew.

I am doing this because I felt God telling me, leading me to do this.

For my husband, the idea of not being able to buy new clothes for 6 months wouldn't be difficult.  But if I told him that he had to give up his iPhone or computer for a month, he would probably die.  Literally die.

For my mom, if she had to give up sugar for 6 months she would more than likely start eating her grandkids...because they are so sweet.  But she would do a happy dance if I told her that she couldn't go shopping for 6 months, and since she doesn't even own a cell phone(For real.  And I do think that she is the only person over the age 10 that doesn't own one) she wouldn't be affected by doing life without it for a set period of time.

My point is this: what matters to you?  What do you turn to when life gets out of control?  What, besides God, holds a place in your heart and makes you feel excited when you think about it?  What would make you squirm if it was taken away?  What holds your thoughts captive, like you can't go on until you have it?

For some, it's technology.  For others, it's food.  For others, it's earthly possessions.

For me, it's shopping for clothes.

Please note that I hope that I haven't made all of my faithful followers mad with this post!  Eek!  I just don't want anybody guilt-tripped into doing this with me!  Because let's be honest, if one of you were doing something like this, I might cheer you on, but I pry would not hop on board.

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